Our poll ended with about 3/4 saying #wetcatfood and about 1/4 saying #drycatfood...
The correct answer to what your cat should be eating is.....
Here are some reasons why:
1) There is more moisture: helps to flush kidneys, cats are natural desert animals so they don't drink very much, you can even put chicken broth on food for added moisture as a treat! Bob loves this.
2) There is more protein: cats use protein for their quick energy, not glucose. Cats can't digest glucose and they use up all their insulin when they get too many carbs (dry food) and they become diabetic. Yes, dry food makes cats diabetic. Some cats have their diabetes cured just by switching from dry food to wet food. Its that good.
3) The public embraces dry food because it makes poop firm, it doesn't smell, its convenient to leave out for the cat all day, etc. Since 1960, dry food has become more popular and the instance of diabetes in cats has skyrocketed. They have even changed the "normal" values for what is considered diabetic because of the increase in instances of diabetes.
4) To make dry food, companies have to put in a certain number of carbs - it is what makes the "kibble". Carbs for cats= bad!
5) Cats don't chew their food, they shovel, so dry food does nothing to keep their teeth clean. In fact, cats have a tongue that acts as a natural toothbrush, so they are actually brushing their teeth all the time.
Dr. Hurley wanted to add that "Cats are awesome" and Bob agrees.