Saturday, March 5, 2016

Does Your Vet Practice Fear-Free Handling?

Animal Hospital of Rowlett was an early adopter of the "fear free movement". We've always used low stress handling techniques and methods to ensure our patients have the best experience possible when they come to our office. We have the opposite of a "get 'er done" attitude - it's not about quantity, but rather quality.

Here is a video of us working with a timid young patient of ours to ensure that she has a happy visit to our clinic. Any stressors as a young patient can make our break how they are able to be handled in the future. While we could just "hold her and vaccinate", we instead want to teach her that we are gentle and loving and will not hurt her. We allow her several minutes to get acclimated while in our treatment area. We give her treats and cheese, pats and sweet talk.

You can visibly see her relax as the video progresses and you'll notice she wags her tail throughout vaccinations. This is just a little something extra - a promise from us that we will always take it slow and give your pet the best experience possible. You're always welcome to be present for vaccinations and we can do the same thing with you in an exam room, though some patients are less protective away from mom and dad.

Thanks for trusting us with your baby! Come see/feel the AHR difference!

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